Our story starts in a small town, in a family of fishermen who had a passion of a lifetime and the promise of the delivering the best quality! Nowadays, Beleaev Caviar House honours centuries-old family mastery and techniques to produce caviar of unparalleled quality and freshness.

The passion for making the industry ethical, producing the caviar with care and creating a difference was the main reason why Beleaev Caviar House was born!

Our range of products represents selected high-quality divine delicacies, including Royal Baeri Caviar, Imperial Gold Caviar, Beluga Caviar and Russian Oscietra Caviar that are only brought up in impeccable conditions. .


Over the 7 years, we have worked hard to deepen our mastery of Caviar production and transformation from fresh to preserved, using techniques to keep the product's organoleptic characteristics unaltered.

We carefully follow the entire production process and carry out the delicate craft of salting with the Malossol technique. We only distribute that part of the Caviar that surpasses our strict control criteria for freshness, taste, colour and size.After packaging, the caviar "matures" in a room at a controlled temperature, a process that favours the concentration of flavour.

Our company's excellence has been unchallenged for many years. With multiple years of research and experience, experts from the Beleaev Caviar House have been meticulous in the raising and breeding procedure, using only clean and sustainable practices in the production process.